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Continued innovation for a carbon neutral future
We are proud to have pioneered the development of electrified vehicles for over 25 years to help create a better environment through mass market low carbon technologies. Today, following over two decades of investment, we are developing the most complete range of electrified vehicles. 
  • Fully committed to carbon neutrality for everyone

    We believe that multiple technology solutions are necessary to get there, faster. Ultimately, the market will be zero-emission battery electric vehicles (BEV), fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) or other technologies. Currently, not everyone has access to ZEVs due to lack of infrastructure or market barriers. Which is why we offer BEVs and FCEVs and PHEVs and HEVs. We call this the ‘power of AND’ because rarely does one size fit all when you consider the diversity of customer needs. Providing access to multiple technologies is a more inclusive path towards carbon neutrality and enables us to significantly decarbonise society now.

“Whilst Toyota is committed to making millions of Battery Electric Vehicles available to customers, the way to reduce the most net carbon emissions globally is to use every item in our toolbox, including Hybrid Electric, Plug-in Hybrid Electric, Battery Electric and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles, with the proportions of each optimised to make best use of the infrastructure constraints and customer circumstances of every region, and the limited supply and improving performance of batteries.”

Gill Pratt, TMC Chief Scientist & TRI CEO
  • 20 million electrified sales and counting

    Our vision to produce accessible low carbon vehicles kicked off in 1997 with Prius, the first mass-market hybrid electric vehicle. In 2015 we launched Mirai, the first mass-produced fuel cell electric sedan. More recently we introduced plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and more BEVs to the Toyota and Lexus line-ups. To date we sold over 20 million electrified vehicles worldwide, and four million in Europe, cumulatively contributing to over 160 million tonnes of CO2 reduction. Toyota continues to innovate in technology, by making significant investments in leading-edge battery technologies, such as solid state, and advanced electric motors and improved power electronics.

  • Accessible multi-technology for everyone

    As a result of our multi-technology approach to electrification we are an industry leader in overall CO2 reduction in Europe. We are committed to the path of democratising electrified vehicles to meet the low emission needs of all Europeans. To help meet these goals, we have made freely available over 24,000 patents for advanced electrification technologies. These include the core systems that are applied to all types of vehicle – BEVs, FCEVs, PHEVs and HEVs.  

  • 66%

    TME electrified mix as % total sales

  • 55

    electrified models on sale by 2025 

  • 10

    ZEVs by 2025

  • 50%

    ZEV by 2030

  • Hybrid Electric Vehicles

    Our transformation to electrification stems from our expertise of over 25 years as a pioneer and leader in hybrid electric technology.

  • Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

    Our plug-in hybrid electric vehicles combine battery electric driving with full hybrid technology. Drivers can enjoy zero-emission driving and take longer journeys free of range anxiety. 

  • Battery Electric Vehicles

    Toyota’s battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are a core element in our carbon-neutrality strategy. As the company’s line-up of zero emission vehicles expands, we will offer our customers accessible battery electric models across all market segments.

  • Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles

    Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) powered by hydrogen have a unique role in the decarbonisation of transport and the wider economy. They are crucial in delivering zero emissions from passenger cars such as the Mirai, to vans, trucks and buses.   

  • Batteries

    Toyota has decades of experience developing and manufacturing batteries for different types of vehicles. We are applying all this experience to provide customers with the reliable technologies that are required for their electrified future.